About Us

Welcome to Newsvanila.com, your trusted source for accurate and reliable news. We are a passionate team of socially aware individuals committed to bringing you the latest happenings from around the world. Newsvanila.com is your one-stop destination for news in a variety of categories, including entertainment, politics, automotive, technology, sports, and finance.

Meet the Team:

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Vijay Shukla: With a relentless pursuit of truth and a deep interest in current affairs, Vijay Shukla leads our editorial team. His dedication to fact-checking and ensuring that we deliver only the most credible information is a cornerstone of our commitment to quality journalism. He is an Engineering graduate. He mainly covers finance, entertainment and politics section of website.

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Jatin Sharma: Jatin Sharma, a seasoned journalist with an eye for detail, brings his expertise to the political and economic news sections. He believes in the power of informed citizenry and strives to provide in-depth analysis to keep our readers well-informed. He mined to different sources for fact checking and unveils the actual truth behind any news. He is an Engineering graduate. He covers automotive and technology section of website.

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Ankit Tiwari: Ankit Tiwari is our sports enthusiast team member who leads our coverage of sports news. He focus to follow all sports related activities across the globe. His passion for fitness and a deep understanding of these domains ensures that you stay updated on the latest developments in these super engaging fields. He is an Engineering graduate.

At Newsvanila.com, we take our responsibility seriously. Our team believes in the power of reliable information. That’s why we cross-check our sources, consult multiple references, and maintain the highest journalistic standards before publishing any article.

Our commitment to you is simple: we do not believe in spreading rumors or fake news. We are dedicated to serving you with actual facts and providing a well-rounded view of any news story. We understand the importance of trustworthy journalism in today’s fast-paced world, and we strive to be your most reliable source for news.

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge, spark discussions, and promote a more informed society. We value your trust, and we are here to ensure that your news experience is one you can rely on.

Thank you for choosing Newsvanila.com as your go-to source for news, and we look forward to keeping you informed and engaged in the world around you.