Exciting ! This Dhanteras don’t forget to bring these 5 items to your house to attract money and luck.

Dhanteras, also known as Dhanatrayodashi, is a significant day that is the beginning of the Diwali festival in many parts of India.

5 items to buy on Dhanteras


This special day falls on the thirteenth lunar day (Trayodashi) during the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) of the Hindu calendar month of Ashvin (according to the amanta tradition) or Kartika (according to the purnimanta tradition). On Dhanteras, people not only celebrate the beginning of Diwali but also pay homage to Dhanvantari, the god of Ayurveda. Dhanvantari is revered for imparting the knowledge of Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, for the well-being of humanity, helping to alleviate suffering from diseases.

In recognition of the importance of Ayurveda, the Indian Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy has designated Dhanteras as “National Ayurveda Day.” This day of significance was first observed on October 28, 2016, as a way to promote and celebrate the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and its contributions to improving health and well-being.

What is the significance of Dhanteras

Dhanatrayodashi holds a special place in Hindu mythology as it is the day when the goddess Lakshmi is believed to have emerged from the milky ocean during the cosmic churning.

The story goes that during the celestial event known as the Samudra Manthana, where the gods and demons came together to churn the ocean in search of the divine nectar of immortality, known as amrita, a significant moment occurred on Dhanteras. From the churning emerged Dhanvantari, a divine figure and the physician of the gods, who also happens to be an incarnation of Vishnu. Dhanvantari appeared carrying a precious jar filled with this elixir of immortality.

This legend is a testament to the auspiciousness of Dhanteras and why it’s celebrated with devotion and the worship of goddess Lakshmi, who symbolizes wealth and prosperity. It’s a time for seeking blessings and good fortune as people revere both the goddess and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

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Here are the list of 5 things that will bring good luck for your family and prosperity in your life.


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On Dhanteras, using coriander seeds is considered quite beneficial. Get some whole coriander seeds on this day and offer them to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Dhanvantari. After that, silently express your wishes in front of them. Then, bury these coriander seeds in soil at some place in your home. Save a little bit of coriander and tie it in a red cloth, placing it in a spot where you keep money. Doing this is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to your home throughout the year.

On Dhanteras, buy coriander seeds and offer them to Goddess Lakshmi on Diwali day. Plant some of these seeds in your garden. It is believed that the coriander leaves that grow from these seeds bring happiness and prosperity into your home.

On Dhanteras, place a few dry coriander seeds in front of Lord Dhanvantari. Keep them there until Diwali. On the day of Govardhan Puja, plant these coriander seeds in a pot. Take care of the coriander plant that grows from them. Doing this is believed to increase happiness and comforts in your home.



Dhanteras is celebrated on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Kartik, and on this day, buying a broom holds special significance. Dhanteras is also known as Dhan Trayodashi. On this day, people worship Lord Dhanvantari, Goddess Lakshmi, and the deity of wealth, Kubera. Alongside the tradition of purchasing gold and silver items, there is also a practice of buying utensils. Additionally, bringing a broom into the house on this day is considered highly auspicious.

It is believed that bringing a broom on Dhanteras makes Goddess Lakshmi very pleased and she chooses to reside in your home. The belief is that buying a broom on Dhanteras ensures prosperity in your home throughout the year and safeguards against any financial difficulties. Let’s delve into this belief a bit more.

After buying the broom on Dhanteras, start by worshiping Goddess Lakshmi first, and then tie a white thread around the broom. Doing so keeps the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi upon you.

Always remember to touch the broom with clean hands. Never forget, under any circumstances, to avoid touching the broom with impure hands. Doing otherwise might displease Goddess Lakshmi, leading to financial difficulties.

Never leave the broom standing upright. It is considered inauspicious. Always place it properly.

Keep the broom in a location in your home where it is not visible to anyone entering from outside.

3) Turmeric Knot

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Turmeric is considered associated with Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu. Therefore, bringing it on Dhanteras is believed to bring auspicious results. On Diwali day, offer it to Goddess Lakshmi and perform a proper ritualistic worship. After that, tie it in a yellow or red cloth and place it in the almirah, safe, or any place where you keep your money.

4) Salt

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In astrology, it’s believed that salt comes from the sea, and the descent of Goddess Lakshmi also has connections with the sea. Similarly, Dhanteras, celebrated as the birthday of Lord Dhanvantari, who emerged from the ocean, holds significance. That’s why buying salt on Dhanteras is considered auspicious.

On Dhanteras, purchasing salt, along with other items, can bring prosperity into your life. It’s also advised not to give salt as charity on this day, and you shouldn’t borrow or lend salt to anyone.

5) Lakshmi Footprints

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Bringing Lakshmi Footprints into the home on Dhanteras is considered highly auspicious. It’s a symbolic invitation to Goddess Lakshmi, and on this day, welcoming her footprints is equivalent to extending an invitation to her presence. On Dhanteras, it is recommended to bring two footprints of Goddess Lakshmi into the home. One footprint should be placed at the main entrance facing inward, and the other one should be placed at the worship area inside the home.

Team News Vanila wishes everyone happy Dhanteras…!!!

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